Bierhance, Genaro; Markou, Anastasios; Gueckstock, Oliver; Rouzegar, Reza; Behovits, Yannic; Chekhov, Alexander; Wolf, Martin; Seifert, Tom S.; Felser, Claudia; Kampfrath, Tobias

zenodo, Spin-voltage-driven efficient terahertz spin currents from the magnetic Weyl semimetals Co2MnGa and Co2MnAl | Zenodo

We study ultrafast optically driven spin injection from thin films of the magnetic Weyl semimetals Co2MnGa and Co2MnAl into an adjacent Pt layer by means of terahertz emission spectroscopy. The following datasets are provided: THz waveforms, THz emission-signal amplitudes (rms) vs pump power, scaled THz signals as a figure of merit in terms of spin-injection efficiency, corresponding broadband spectra and extracted spin currents.

zenodo, Spin-voltage-driven efficient terahertz spin currents from the magnetic Weyl semimetals Co2MnGa and Co2MnAl | Zenodo